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Home Interior Design Ideas For Beginners

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So you have decided to do interior of your home on your own, without hiring interior designer? Great.

a) Area / part of your home you want to renovate / design- First decide on which room in your home, you want to work on. Don't make a mistake of starting with all rooms, dining room & kitchen & Bedroom. But select only one - at least for the starters.

b) List of changes-
Write in your design plan - what changes you want to make in the selected room. If you skip this, then later on it becomes sort of patched room. And it looks messy.

c) Budget -
I hope this is self - explanatory. How much money you want to spend on decorating interior of your home? Your list of changes could help in deciding on the budget.

d) Layout of your home-
On a blank sheet of paper, draw outline / layout of your home. It shows various rooms. You don't have to be perfect, but draw room sizes using some scale.

Then on another piece of paper, draw furniture pieces you are already having.

I am sure you'll find ideas in this article series pretty helpful. I'll try to make this as easy as possible, for you.

Let's start.

Design plan - We-interior designers - never start any design work, without starting with a plan & so should you. The first thing you must have is a detailed design plan.
Your design plan should include -

Now with all these, you are ready to start decorating your home. First take the cut pieces of furniture & place them in various positions on layout. See what you like most. Play with the ideas. Then decide on one.

Then start the changes one by one. It is going to take time. But once it's finished, you'll love your home even more.

Have a great home....

Vikas Bhujbal - Mumbai based Interior Designer & Decorator
Vikas owns Idea Inc.-A Mumbai based interior designer firm. Since last many years he helps his clients in living in their dream home. He does this through personalized creative ideas. His specialty is Environmental Architecture or Green Architecture. Want to hire the designer who is reliable, then Vikas is the one to go to. His services includes - residential as well as commercial interior projects.